Monk World of Warcraft

Saturday, July 14, 2012

So I have shown you the new WoW, but now I`ll get your attention on the new class hero - Monk. So the Pandaren master have decided to share their ancient marcial art with the ally and the horde, that mean that you can chose from which side you want to be ally or horde. From the ally races which can be monk are Human, Dwarf, Dranei, Night Elf and Gnome and from the horde - Orc, Tauren, Forsaken(Undead), Blood Elf and Troll.

The monk can wear cloth and leather and it is using Fist Weapons, One- Handed Axes, One- Handed Maces, One- Handed Swords, Polearms and Staves. The three talents of the monks are brewmaster for tanks, mistweaver for healers, windwalker for dps. The monk uses his weapons only  for his finishing moves, the monk is bare-handed combat, that means he is fighting most with hands and legs.
More about Mist of Pandaria here.

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